Covid 19 took a toll on the Glen High School’s swim team; but on 19 January 2023, the Inter Clan Swim Gala proved that there is nothing we cannot bounce back from. The pool and the stands were packed for what was perhaps one of the biggest swimming galas in four years. From little grade 8’s that can barely doggy paddle to the experienced seniors cutting through the water like dolphins, the clans represented their prowess in the cool waters in the heat of the summer afternoon.
The evidence of the swimming development progamme was evident as our clan swimmers revealed talents that had been hidden for far too long. It was a tight race between the clans, but at the end of the day it was Clan Gordon that walked away as the winning clan, but everyone will agree that they had to fight flipper and tail to get that prize.
The Inter Clan Gala has shown the Glen has the talent to shine in the pool and for the first time, in 2023, we boast a full swim team and look forward to taking part in this year’s swimming season.